toilet paper

Coronavirus: four-pack toilet paper limit at Woolworths in Australia as panic empties shelves

#toiletpaper hashtag going viral on Twitter because of Coronavirus

The supermarket giant Woolworths in Australia will be rationing toilet paper because of Coronavirus panic which is leaving shelves empty.

The company announced it had to apply a quantity limit to 4 packs of toilet paper to ensure more customers have access to the product in response to higher than usual demand.

The purchase limit is applied both in-store and online.

Shelves have been left bare because of the fear of being caught without this ‘basic commodity’ due to Coronavirus.

Woolworths said is also working to re-stock supplies with long-life food in anticipation of high demand. However, they said, the majority of products in their range remain available as normal.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is reassuring Australians to stay calm despite the spread of COVID-19 and consulted Woolworths about the virus was impacting on supply chain and on consumers.

The phenomenon is going viral on Twitter with the hashtag #toiletpaper.

Unfortunately, something worrying is what is making famous toilet paper.

To help people not to waste toilet paper avoiding buying more than needed, (an home decor blog) suggests its toilet paper calculator by which you can get how many rolls you need, based on the number of people in your house or how many days of quarantine you’ll spend. In a more advanced version of the calculator, you can also set specific parameters such as sheets per wipe or sheets per roll to get a more reliable value of the duration of your toilet paper.

This blog also provides an info-graphic on how many rolls people use in a week, advice for green options, and some interesting facts about toilet paper.


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